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Scientific Name : Brassica nigra

Origin of Herb : Origin of this herb can be traced to South Europe and South Asia where it was cultivated for thousands of years. These seeds are so old that even Jesus has mentioned about Black Mustard seeds in Gospel of Mattews 13:31.

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Scientific Name : Piper nigrum

Origin of Spice : Black pepper is native to South India. Vietnam is the present day's largest producer and exporter of Black pepper. In 2013, Vietnam produced 34% of the world's production of Black Pepper. This is used widely in almost all the countries either as a seasoning or to make food spicy. Black Pepper was used as early as 4 BC in Greece and in Roman empire.

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Scientific Name : Cinnamomum verum

Origin : Oldest production of Cinnamon can be traced to India, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Cinnamon was once gives as gift to someone, especially in ancient Europe and it was even offered to God in temples. Today Indonesia is the largest producer of Cinnamon in the world. There are many alcohol which has flavors of Cinnamon in them in Europe.

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Scientific Name : Syzygium aromaticum

Origin of Herb : It seems that the first ever Clove was first discovered in Syria around 1721 BC. It was also used as natural mouth refresher in the ancient times. Today they are widely found in South East Asia & Africa.

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Scientific Name : Linum usitatissimum

Origin : Flax was one of the oldest known fiber crop cultivated in ancient Egypt and China. It was cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC according to some historical evidences. It seems in the 8th century, Kind Charlemagne believed so strong in the flaxseed that he even passed a law requiring his subjects to consume it.

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Scientific Name : Vigna radiata

Origin : Moong Dal or Mung Dal was cultivated in India for 4500 years and in Thailand for 2200 years. This was also cultivated around the same time in Iran. Today this can be found in China, Korea and Southeast Asian countries.

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Scientific Name : Sesamum indicum

Origin of the Seed : Sesame seeds has many different species. Although the oldest one can be found in Sub-Saharan African countries but the oldest form of cultivable type of sesame seeds can be found in India. It can grow even where there is a drought like condition.  We spoke about sesame seeds here because this oil is derived the same seeds.

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Scientific Name : Curcuma longa

Origin of Herb : This is native to South East Asia. It has been used in cooking for thousands of years. The yellow color in the curry is because of Turmeric powder's presence in it. Almost no food is prepared in India, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Thailand, Nepal and Indonesia without Turmeric powder.

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Scientific Name : Curcuma longa

Origin of Herb : This is native to South East Asia. It has been used in cooking for thousands of years. The yellow color in the curry is because of Turmeric powder's presence in it. Almost no food is prepared in India, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Thailand, Nepal and Indonesia without Turmeric powder.

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Scientific Name : Cajanus cajan

Origin : It was grown for nearly 3500 years in India. Many accounts in the History suggests that this was grown in the Southern part of India in the Karnataka State. It then traveled from India to Africa and this is where the western world first came in touch with this type of Lenthil.